
Visual complications due to chronic condition

It is of utmost importance that all people with diabetes or hypertension have their retina checked even if they see well

This is how a patient with visual complications sees

Drag the central bar to compare before and after

  • Some chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, can cause visual problems such as blindness

  • The most common visual complication is retinopathy, diabetic or hypertensive, caused by damage to the blood vessels inside the eye when blood sugar or blood pressure levels are not adequately controlled

  • Damage inside the eye accumulates over the years, and visual symptoms appear in advanced stages when the possibility of recovering full vision is very low


The development of visual complications derived from chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension is preventable through good cardiometabolic control:

  • Adherence to treatment

  • Adequate monitoring of blood pressure and glucose levels

  • Healthy eating habits and exercise

  • Smoking cessation

  • Evaluating the retina at least once a year (fundus)